In many locations around the world, there are not enough medical professionals available to treat and provide the necessary care for patients.
Finding the appropriate center and/or provider for health needs and making appointments is a huge problem.
There are unequal distribution of doctors located in urban and rural areas. People have to travel long distances for diagnosis, treatment, and procedures.
According to statistics for Cameroon, the doctor and patient ratio is 1 to 10,000, though in some rural areas it can be as low as 1 to 30,000.
Most people do not have insurance and have to pay for health services out of pocket.
With advancement in ICT and increasing adaptation of smartphone adoption in Africa and Cameroon in particular, a lot of companies are leveraging technology to solve difficult problems in Africa. Health care should not lag behind when there is technology available that can be used to help people live healthier and better lives.
Know more..We would provide personalized health content developed by healthcare professionals around the world in collaboration with local Cameroonian providers to meet local needs. Subscribers would receive personalized content based on their preferences and topics of interest.
To reduce the burden on doctors and cut long wait times at the doctor's office, we help patients book appointments and send pre-filled forms to doctor prior to their appointments. This way doctors can have a preview before they see a patient, streamline their workflow and save time. This will lead to improvements in service and patient care.
— CamerHealth